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Trust Rebuilding Therapy

Marriage Counseling Experts in Rebuilding Trust after a Betrayal

Know what questions must be asked in order to heal after the betrayal.  

Learn how to manage wide range of emotions together.

Gain specific tools that can help you both handle the triggers that evoke the same emotions as discovery of betrayal. 

Learn the keys to rebuild trust through actions versus only hoping to convince your partner to trust you again.  

Understand the patterns of communication that created a environment in which the couple could not communicate about this topic before it became a full blown affair.

Build emotional safety with one another. 

Grow an emotional connection stronger than you've ever experienced before.

Discover the keys to affair proofing your marriage in the future.   

How our Trust Rebuilding Therapy Process Works.

Stage 1: Atonement 

The first thing that should happen is that the guilty partner should express remorse. In other words, they need to take 100% of the blame for what happened.


This is simply because rebuilding the relationship after infidelity will not be possible if the guilty partner does not take this step.

In simple terms, atonement can't happen when the guilty partner places any blame on the innocent partner.


As part of taking all the blame, the unfaithful partner must confess to everything.


There can't be any secrets anymore.


So, while a full disclosure of what happened may be painful for both partners, it allows transparency, verification, and vulnerability.


By facing these issues honestly, they'll slowly regain trust and intimacy, even though the innocent party will feel angry, hurt, and betrayed.


The final step in this phase is that the guilty partner must immediately end the affair and end all contact with the third party.

Once this is done, there won't be any second chances.

Although this may seem harsh, it's an incentive for the guilty partner not to stray in the future.

Stage 2: Attunement 
In phase 2 we help couples learn how to deal with the emotions, the pain, the flashbacks and fear together as a couple. 
They learn how to feel safe having these types of conversations. 
Because typically the couples who suffer from affairs have a history of avoiding conflict due to not wanting to make things worse.  
But they end up distancing themselves from each other and cause them to live separate lives.
We help the couple learn how to navigate these difficult emotions so that they don't recreate the same patterns that was occurring before the affair or betrayal. 

Stage 3:  Attachment 
Once a couple learns how to feel emotionally safe with each other through going through the first 2 stages. 
We address the couple's sexual cycle. 

We need to ensure that the couple knows how to talk about their emotions and what they need to feel safe sexually after the affair.   

How to get started with Rebuilding Trust Therapy....

First, sign up for our FREE 1 Hour Marriage Consultation.  

In this consultation we will begin the process to start to understand where your relationship is currently at after the betrayal.   

We will start a personalized treatment plan on healing and rebuilding trust again. 

Click the button below to sign up for your free marriage consultation today!
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